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Verify Purchase

After you buy the plugin you need to get your license key to make the addon work to verify yourself as a buyer on my Discord server, please follow the steps down below!


If you have already connected your Discord account with your Polymart account you can skip those steps down below.

Connect your Discord account with your Polymart account.​

  1. First, make sure to join my Discord server.
  2. Go to any channel in the Discord server and then run /polymart token.
  3. Get the link from the embed, the link will redirect you to Polymart and you have to copy the token you get from the page.
  4. Come back to the Discord server and run /polymart account token:TOKEN-FROM-POLYMART.
  5. Done! You have successfully connected your Discord account with your Polymart account.


The steps below is required even if you already done the steps above.

Get the license and your roles for BedWars1058 Cosmetics Addon.​

  1. Go to any channel you want and run /polymart product and choose BedWars1058 Cosmetics Addon.
  2. The system will automatically give you your roles and your license key.
  3. You're done, now you can follow Addon Installation to continue the setup.

This system is all automatic, if it doesn't work means you have connected a wrong Polymart account or you haven't purchased the resource. You don't have to wait for any moderator to give your license key, please be considered to mention this system when leaving a review!